Our Strategy
AMPLIFY Girls is a network of 40+ partners whose PRESENCE, EXPERTISE, and PRIORITIES are centered in our governance model and our ways of work. Our LEARNING AND RESEARCH AGENDAS orient to partner priorities and promising practices.
amplify gIRLS’ 2024 - 2026 Strategic Plan
Since our founding in 2018, AMPLIFY Girls has experienced substantial growth; the majority of which has strategically aligned with encouraging global trends toward investing in proximate leadership and greater understanding of locally-derived impact in girls’ life skills programs.
To further the role of AMPLIFY Girls in these aspects of the global development agenda, we embarked on a strategic planning process in 2023 which defined the key goals that would guide us to our desired impact over the next three years.
In a development sector that often espouses the value of a “bigger is better” mentality, AMPLIFY Girls has decided, in 2024-2026, to prioritize honing our collective work with our partners, sharing our learnings with the world while staying network-oriented, and focusing on structures that lead to higher quality and options for sustainability for the future of our organization.