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Our Philosophy

We believe that in order to achieve sustainable change, we must embrace a community-driven development model that prioritizes local knowledge and supports collaborative learning and impact.


AMPLIFY Girls’ philosophy is rooted in the notion that localized development enables organizations to develop holistic approaches based on a deep understanding of the challenges within their communities. We believe that those closest to the problem are best equipped to develop and implement programs to effect long-term sustainable change. CDOs understand the needs of their communities – not just the girls they serve, but the community as a whole.

Localized development is particularly important for adolescent girls. CDOs are able to understand and affect change around harmful gender norms and practices.

These organizations understand the meaning of depth, not breadth, and strive to deliver holistic solutions that address girls’ physical, emotional and developmental needs.

We strive to provide holistic support to our partners by focusing on:

  1. the individual development needs of organizations,

  2. the establishment and implementation of localized monitoring and evaluation processes and

  3. the harnessing of the collective power of our network to advocate at national and international policy levels.


Developing a new, locally-driven paradigm that mobilizes collaborative community action for development is not an easy task but it is an imperative to move development forward. Current top-down structures that use CDOs as tools for development will not lead to long term sustainable change. AMPLIFY Girls is committed to working to shift development practice so community-driven organizations can play a leadership role and work collaboratively across communities to improve outcomes for adolescent girls.

We know this shift will take time, but AMPLIFY Girls is dedicated to working with all stakeholders to recognize the important, unique role CDOs play in global development.

CDO-directed funding

CDO Effectiveness