


The scarcity of grassroots’ involvement in measurement processes highlights a concerning reality; grassroots organizations are typically not included in policy discussions that measure their own effectiveness and success.


AMPLIFY Girls is committed to changing this dynamic by including community-driven organizations in research development. We are demonstrating their collective impact through rigorous, localized research and using the findings to prove the effectiveness of community driven organizations.

Our research findings, reports and protocols are available below. Please check back frequently as we continually provide updates of our work.

Co-Creating a Measure Of
Adolescent Girls’ Agency

AMPLIFY Girls prioritized the need for a monitoring and evaluation strategy that would document the collective impact of its members, while simultaneously honoring and acknowledging the diversity of community contexts of local organizations. AMPLIFY Girls’ members decided collaboratively to measure “agency”.


Understanding the Barriers to Girls’
School Return After COVID-Related
School Closures

Negative impacts of school closures due to the Coronavirus pandemic were particularly acute for vulnerable youth – especially girls.  AMPLIFY Girls examined pandemic-related experiences of 382 adolescent girls in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania.  We examined barriers and promising practices. 
