AMPLIFY has a unique structure that leans into how we try to live out our values as an organization. These values include equity, trust, commitment and collaboration. We lean into non-hierarchical structures and how to put those closest to the issues, closest to the power. Below you can see that we have a unique nested structure that holds our Partners, our Secretariat and our elected Board of Directors accountable to the work we implement. Our mission is to AMPLIFY the voices, power and collaborative impact of community-driven organizations with a vision that communities can and should lead a collective global change.

With that, we are happy to share some details on our incredible Board of Directors and shower them with PRAISE as they do so much of the heavy lifting for AMPLIFY. They are Partners from our community who represent the organizations who lead AMPLIFY.

AMPLIFY VICE CHAIRPERSON - Estahappy Mariki, The Girls Foundation of Tanzania

Estahappy is a medical-Social and gender activist, a motivational speaker to young people on the social-economic and RH rights. Estahappy is dedicated to raise, coach and mentor girls’ advocates in sexual reproductive health for more than twenty years. She served at Kilimanjaro NGO Cluster as Programs Coordinator for years reaching out to youth in schools and out of school youths in through youth programs.Estahappy joined The Girls Foundation in Tanzania, TGFT in 2013 as Country Director and eventually the now Executive Director, rich in various experiences in supporting young people mostly women and girls, working with various stakeholders and ready to inspire girls to reach their full potential. Estahappy is awarded as accredited coach under coaches across continents reaching young people and students on SRH and life skills in schools through purposive plays, a Perennial fellow and a current Creative collaborative fellow.

Estahappy sits in various boards of private and Government local and international organizations including  Vice president for AMPLIFY girls East African network of CBOs that are supporting girls, Vice Chairperson for Orkeeswa secondary school in Arusha, Treasurer for the Tanzania board of  The Girls Foundations of Tanzania, Vice president for Victorious giving foundation, Secretary for Food water shelter Organization and Member of board of Ganako Government high School.

AMPLIFY TREASURER - Zack Fowler, WISER International

Zack Fowler is the Executive Director for WISER International; a holistic girls' health and education nonprofit led by an international team in both the US and Kenya. His dedication to WISER began as a volunteer project at Duke University, where he received degrees in Global Health and Cultural Anthropology as well as a post-baccalaureate certificate in Nonprofit Management. Zack is a former Benjamin N. Duke Scholar and a recipient of the Paul Farmer Award for Justice and Social Responsibility. In addition to his work with the ever-inspiring AMPLIFY Board, he currently sits on the board of directors for the NC School of Science and Mathematics Foundation and the NC Chapter of the New Leaders Council. 

AMPLIFY BOARD SECRETARY - Maria Omare, The Action Foundation

Maria Omare is the Founder and Executive Director of The Action Foundation (TAF), an organisation working to improve the education, health, social, and economic outcomes of children, women and girls with disabilities. She is an award-winning disability inclusion advocate, social entrepreneur, and educator committed to inspiring change and hope in under-served communities. She is passionate about social justice and inclusion, youth advocacy and governance, human rights and gender equality.

Among other accolades, she has been awarded the prestigious Cordes Fellowship, Ford Motor Company International Fellowship, Akili Dada Fellowship, Business Daily's Top 40 under 40 and in 2019 she received the US State Department Professional Fellows Program Alumni Impact Award.

Maria sits on the advisory board of Street Business School, a global leader in entrepreneurship training that equips women living in poverty with the knowledge they need to build sustainable businesses. She is the Board Secretary of Amplify Girls, a collective of community-driven organizations collaborating to create a community-based alternative to traditional development scale.

Wiseman - Duncan Ahigika, Elohim Development Association

CEO & Founder  Elohim Development Association 

Duncan is a management pundit, experienced in program development, team-building, childcare, high level marketing and performance management.  He holds a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in Leisure and Hospitality Management, both from Makerere University. He has worked as Head of Marketing for Makerere University Business School (MUBS) and also Managing Director of Skyline Experiences, a management consultancy firm. He co-founded Elohim Development Association (EDA) with a major objective of providing a safe home for orphaned and vulnerable children. Since his initial vision, EDA has grown to include a variety of programming and impacted many children and surrounding communities positively.


Elizabeth Bohart is a social impact strategist and founder of the Antelope Foundation - an organization dedicated to supporting and developing community driven initiatives.  Antelope works with start-up organizations and organizations in transition.

Drawing on her experience working in the former Soviet Union as a strategy consultant developing food processing businesses with local entities and advising western companies about market possibilities & investment, Elizabeth brings business acumen and cultural sensitivity to her work.  Antelope focuses on helping partners develop more impactful organizations by working collaboratively to build effective and efficient strategies that improve programs, systems and external communications.  Areas of expertise include mission/vision development, strategic planning, resource development, program design, operational implementation, logo & branding, theory of change & logic model creation, leadership training, board development, conflict resolution and mentorship.

Recent examples of Elizabeth and Antelope’s work includes co-founding AMPLIFY and Nadia’s Initiative and co-managing the development and launch of the Global Survivors Fund.  Elizabeth also lead the development of Kwithu Kitchen, Malawi’s first tomato canning business and served as the Director of Outreach for the Sundance award winning film – Watchers of the Sky – where she created and implemented the film’s educational outreach program and community engagement projects, including the development of middle and high school curriculums.

She was selected as a Nantucket Project Scholar in 2016 and currently serves on the board of the Global Survivors Fund, AMPLIFY, Nadia’s Initiative and Komera.   Elizabeth received a BA from Tulane University and an MPA from American University.

About AMPLIFYMarc Doherty