KENYA Charter4Change Annual Dialogue Conference

The Kenya Charter for Change (C4C) Working Group (WG) cordially invites you to attend the first ever Kenya National Dialogue on Localisation which will take place physically in Nairobi at the Pride Inn Azure Hotel on November 3rd & 4th 2021.

Charter for Change was launched at the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 as a coalition jointly committed to press for more deliberate action to implement global commitments on localisation outlined in the Grand Bargain . It is a global initiative, led by local, national and international NGOs, that works to promote and implement concrete changes in the functioning of the humanitarian system to enable a locally led response.

The Kenya C4C WG was established in 2020 and already comprises at least 45 organizations who are either signatories, endorsers or allies collaborating to promote and practically implement C4C commitments in Kenya. One objectives of C4C globally is to promote annual country dialogue meetings targeting endorsers, signatories, allies and other key stakeholders.

The Kenya C4C WG organizes its first ever C4C national dialogue conference this year in order to take stock of progress towards C4C commitments and devise strategies to accelerate their implementation n Kenya.

The National Dialogue objectives will be:

1. To take stock on the implementation of C4C commitments in Kenya

2. To share best localisation practises within and across the globe that are relevant to Kenya

Please access the program here.

Please join the conversation via zoom on November 3rd and 4th at 9am EAT. Meeting ID: 929 3068 2275 Passcode: 291933