Localization At Work: Community Interventions in Girls' Education During COVID19

Please join us on November 17th at 8am EST/4pm EAT for a powerful presentation on localized approaches to supporting girls’ education during COVID19.

Local organizations have provided emergency food assistance and other basic needs for emergency relief; they have also adjusted their programs to provide counseling, academic support and low-tech learning engagement. In many rural communities, these are the only resources available to help communities and girls through the crisis.

Come learn with us about community led responses to girls’ needs from the AMPLIFY Girls collective in East Africa. Please join us and register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMoc-murz4oHtEhx2EGdzNspbm4y3xA5sqq

We believe that mapping community-driven interventions is an important strategy for identifying, sharing and/or adapting promising practices to similar contexts; we urge that efforts be made in every country to map the work of local organizations. Similarly we also call on the global community to fund locally led initiatives to ensure that girls receive the support that they so desperately need.