Our Fellowship Program


About the Program

The AMPLIFY GIRLS fellowship program is a 9-month program that targets girls and young women between the ages of 14 to 21 years who exhibit exemplary leadership skills in the surroundings, school, and or communities. This fellowship aims to develop a cohort of empowered girls (through sustained mentorship and agency development) from the community who can articulate community issues at the global level.

Every year, we call for nominations from our 40+ community-driven partner organizations. They then nominate a girl leader to join the fellowship. The girl undergoes a 9-month mentorship and coaching session that is spaced out quarterly throughout the year.

Why the Fellowship Program

Success for girls is characterized by the ability to affect change in their own lives and world. This capacity is best described as ‘agency.’ We believe that to be successful girls must believe in themselves and their abilities and have the skills they need to affect change in their own lives. We call this capacity ‘Agency’ and our partners tell us that it is one of the most important outcomes of their collective programmatic work.

As such we endeavor to provide the best possible opportunities for not only these girls to succeed but also to contribute meaningfully to sustained global discourse and influence global policy to suit their lived experiences and environments.

Meet Our 2023, 2022 Fellows:

International Day of the Girl

Every year, on the 11th of October, the AMPLIFY Girls Fellowship Program (with a membership of girl fellows across 5 countries in East and Southern Africa) comes together to host a girl-led virtual event showcasing why “girls’ agency” is a key critical measure of their success.

On International Day of the Girl (IDG), we celebrate the power and potential of adolescent girls by highlighting girls’ voices in leading change and the role of Community-driven organizations in developing girls’ agency to enable this change in communities.

Our IDG campaign highlights the importance of Agency for girls while amplifying voices from girl leaders on the power and importance of girls' agency.

Watch our Previous Events:

  • AMPLIFY Girls takes the privacy of the children very seriously. A child is defined as a person under 18 years old (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child). At AMPLIFY Girls, we are strongly committed to providing children with the highest possible standards of care. We are committed to undertaking every reasonable effort to ensure that our child beneficiaries are in no way negatively impacted by our activities. This document describes AMPLIFY Girls’s policies that aim to ensure this commitment and provide operational guidelines for staff engaged with children to ensure appropriate child safety measures and protection from child abuse.