How SACCA Leveraged The Adolescent Girls Agency Survey To Improve Their Program Outcomes

AMPLIFY Girls partner community-driven organizations (CDOs) have been working towards improving adolescent girls' agency in their respective communities through innovative programs.

Over the years, AMPLIFY Girls partners have utilized the Adolescent Girls Agency Survey to track the impact of their various programs on girls’ agency and experiences have been different across the board. Our partner case studies are set to highlight the insights that have emerged as organizations have used the Adolescent Girls Agency Survey and the learnings we have gathered as AMPLIFY Girls in this journey toward our ultimate goal - agency for all girls.

Our partner, Street Ahead Children’s Centre Association (SACCA) in Rwanda, serves as an exemplar of an effective agency-building initiative that addresses critical issues such as youth unemployment, and educational limitations, offering valuable insights for similar efforts across our network of partners.

Here’s How SACCA Leveraged The Adolescent Girls Agency Survey To Improve Their Program Outcomes: