AMPLIFY Girls’ World Localization Day Twitter Space Discussion

Join us on 21st June at 4 pm EAT/ 9 am EST on our Twitter Space event featuring diverse Community-driven Organizations (CDOs) across East Africa.

The Twitter Space event titled; ‘Localization is Community-driven Development’ will showcase and bring attention to the work of our diverse network of Community-driven Organizations (CDOs) whose local initiatives build flourishing local communities and build girls’ agency. We will be asking and answering questions on how to mainstream community organizations in the conversation and recommendations to the INGO community. 

The conversation will focus on how Community-driven Organizations are at the forefront of providing local solutions to local problems demonstrated by their work through diverse programs while highlighting systemic issues in resourcing Community-driven Organizations.

Please click here to Join the Twitter Space discussion.

Also follow us on Twitter at AMPLIFY_girls for updates on the Localization conversation leading up to the event.