C4C Open Discussion Forum #3 - Safeguarding; An Understanding and Approaches in Local Context

On 14th June, 2022, AMPLIFY Girls led the Charter for Change working group dialogue alongside Diakonie.

Topic: Safeguarding; an Understanding and Approaches in Local Context.

The majority of international & local organizations have deeply entrenched implementing and actualizing safeguarding principles in their internal and external processes. In this conversation, C4C members will be sharing their experience in devolving safeguarding policies as mandatory minimum requirements for program implementation.

Key Questions;
-How distinct are the gaps between INGOs and local NGOs with regards to safeguarding and how can we narrow the divide?
-In devolving capacity strengthening, how well are local actors equipped to actualize the development and implementation of safeguarding policies.
-As we unpack the pertinent questions above, what recommendations do we have for implementing safeguarding structures and policies within the localization agenda.

Watch out for future C4C Kenya dialogues on advancing localization.

Margaret Butler