Charter for Change - Meeting on Funding Practices for local actors including Overheads / Indirect Cost Recovery
AMPLIFY Girls is inviting you to join this hybrid event hosted by fellow signatories of the Charter for Change on August 22nd, 2023 from 9:00 to 10:30 am. Join us via Zoom by registering through this link.
It is evident that local and national actors urgently need to see a change in the funding behavior of their international partners and discussions are growing at a global level around this issue. The aim of this meeting is to disseminate and contextualize global debates, guidance, and research on funding practices (including overheads/indirect costs) and to facilitate discussion on ways forward in Kenya. Invited participants include Signatories of the Grand Bargain (civil society, INGOs, UN Agencies, Red Cross & Red Crescent, and donor agencies) and/or the Charter for Change.
The specific objectives of the workshops are to:
Share and learn current policies and practices of donors and international organizations in relation to funding local and national actors with a focus on overheads and indirect costs (see IASC research).
Equip local actors in Kenya with the tools necessary to negotiate overheads with international partners, and equip INGOs, UN agencies, and donors operating in Kenya with the knowledge to internally advocate for policy change and/or consistent policy roll-out within their organizations/agencies.
Planning for pathways to localization in Kenya.