Collaborative Research

Measuring girls’ agency in East Africa

The importance of integrating the voices of local actors in the global policy arena cannot be overstated. It is widely recognized that international policy makers and philanthropists rely heavily on quantitative indicators to measure programmatic impact. Often these indicators are a one-size fits all measure that do not take into account context and accurately capture the impact or diversity of approaches utilized by local organizations. The scarcity of grassroots’ involvement in measurement processes highlights a concerning reality; grassroots organizations have been shut out of discussions that measure their own effectiveness and success.


What does success look like for girls in your community?

AMPLIFY entered into a collaborative research process to accomplish three overarching goals:

  1. Collaboratively define success for AMPLIFY

  2. Construct a contextually responsive measure of that success

  3. Document collective impact

Our research began by asking 18 grassroots organizations a simple question. What does success look like for girls in your community?

The outcome of our work – the production of a rigorous and reliable tool for measuring Agency – offers an important example for how local expertise can drive measurement.

Read more about the process:


White Paper