Please join us in welcoming the AMPLIFY Girls East African Coordinator, Anika Jane Dororthy.

Anika is the East Africa Co-ordinator for AMPLIFY. She recently joined us from the Green Congress of Kenya (a member of the Global Greens) where she served as Executive Director. She garnered vast experiences working with grassroots community environmental organizations which consisted primarily of women and girls.

She is an experienced advocate for the rights and tenets of democracy with a passion for all matters women rights and movements, democracy and governance. She is a feminist who believes in investing in the strengthening of young feminist movements and youth led organizations. In addition, she is Pan African, Social scientist adept in national, regional and global Partnerships, Policy & Advocacy work. Her vast knowledge and experience on regional and global instruments in policy and advocacy e.g. Action Coalitions Working Groups on Generation Equality, Youth Design Sprints by UN Women centering the meaningful participation of young women and girls & A Girls Platform for Action by Plan International have enabled her to advocate for critical issues affecting young women & the girl child at regional and global level. Ms. Anika is part of the 30 global youth task force of the Beijing +25 Review by UN Women in an effort to represent and advocate for the youth at the global level an effort to achieve Generation Equality in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. She is also part of AWLN (African Women Leadership Network) technical committee in Kenya. Lastly, she is a ONE East Africa Champion where she lobbies decision makers in effort to create changes needed for gender equality. Ms. Anika holds a Masters in Women, Leadership & Governance in Africa from the University of Nairobi.

About AMPLIFYMarc Doherty